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Qualtrics-low-1Beginning next week, Qualtrics is providing a new version of its survey and data collection toolset to Canisius College users.  Users will find the option to switch to the new version within Qualtrics via MyCanisius.

Some changes are just cosmetic but Qualtrics decluttered and simplified things, while making features just as easy or easier to reach when needed.  There are some extensive changes to results and reporting tools.  See this video for details.

After a period of overlap where both the new and old versions will be available, Qualtrics will retire the old version in mid-June.  Qualtrics assures us that we will have all old surveys, data, and reports after we switch to the new version, and old surveys will be ready to use or reuse in the new interface.  Active surveys will not be affected when the old version is retired.  

You can see more previews and tutorials of the new version of Qualtrics here.

Email Mark Gallimore, with any questions.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, academic technology specialist