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Spotlight on Service

S-Ndakinna-spotlightDuring winter service week, eight students and JUSTICE grant administrator, Patty Waters, journeyed to the Ndakinna Education Center, just outside of Saratoga Springs, NY. Ndakinna is situated on the Marion F. Bruchac Nature Preserve and is a short drive away from Adirondack State Park. While at the center, the group was hosted by James Bruchac, wilderness guide and director of the center. For more information on James, click here.

Like all of Campus Ministry’s service-immersion experiences, the Ndakinna experience was based upon the cornerstones of simplicity, solidarity, social justice and spirituality.  This winter service week site focuses primarily on learning about Northeast Native American history and culture, storytelling, nature awareness, land stewardship, basic wilderness survival and animal tracking. More about the Ndakinna Education Center’s offerings are available at

Additional information about this or other service immersion experiences are available through Campus Ministry.

Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs

Early Closing on Thursday, March 24

The college will close at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 24.  All but essential operating personnel are included in this early dismissal.

Have a wonderful Easter!

Submitted by: Linda Walleshauser, associate vice president, human resources and compliance

Watch This Month’s Episode of “Kaleidoscope”

The Canisius College Video Institute production of the March episode of “Kaleidoscope” premiered earlier this month on WGRZ-TV 2. This 30-minute television program celebrates the religious diversity of our region and is produced in conjunction with the Network of Religious Communities. “Kaleidoscope” will rebroadcast on Friday, March 18 at 6:35 p.m. on Time Warner Cable 20, and Sunday, March 20 at 8:00 p.m. on Time Warner 6 in Olean.

In the first segment, host Stan Bratton, PhD, speaks with Reverend Philip S. Gittings, PhD, interim pastor, and David Bond, PhD, organist/choirmaster, about the commemoration of Holy Week and the celebration of Easter at the Historic First Presbyterian Church, Symphony Circle in Buffalo, a church which is experiencing a rebirth.

In the second segment, Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein of the congregation Shir Shalom, speaks with Arnold Alt and Robin Raphael about Purim and the comic dramatization of the Book of Ester known as Purim spiel.

Students in the Canisius College Video Institute produce “Kaleidoscope” under the guidance of Barbara Irwin, PhD, professor of communication studies and co-director of the Video Institute, Jamie O’Neil, associate professor of digital media arts and co-director of the Video Institute, and Paula DeAngelis-Stein ’86, MS ’02, a producer with Daybreak Productions, the broadcast arm of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.

Submitted by: Sarah Seiler, graduate assistant, communication studies

Two Music Performances this Weekend

ArtsCanisius and the Fine Arts/Music Program present two performances this weekend.

The first concert is Saturday, March 19, at 3:00 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center and will feature Canisius College senior and soprano Janelle Sabin ’16 performing her degree recital.  She will be assisted by pianist Robert Hull; Richard Falkenstein, PhD, lute; and Emily DiMartino ’16, soprano.  Janelle Sabin is a student in the voice studio of Melissa Thorburn.  This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor of arts degree in music.

The second performance is the Spring Student/Faculty Recital this Sunday, March 20, at 3:00 p.m., also in the Montante Cultural Center.  The concert features a wide variety of music for piano, voice and percussion by artists Accurso, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Liszt, Monteverdi, Mozart and Torelli.

Student performers include pianists Victoria Erdman, Miyoko Ito, Owen Liu, Benjamin Parlato and Henry Welsby; vocalists Michael Alessi, Devon Bradley, and Kayla Goodman; and percussionists Rommie Arringiton, Amayia Campbell, Taryn Jessen, James Pokomowski and Kevin Pryles.

Faculty performers include percussionist Bob Accurso and pianists Frank Scinta and Melissa Thorburn.

Both concerts are free and open to the public.

Submitted by: Ellen Barnum, director, ArtsCanisius

New Version of Qualtrics Available Next Week

Qualtrics-low-1Beginning next week, Qualtrics is providing a new version of its survey and data collection toolset to Canisius College users.  Users will find the option to switch to the new version within Qualtrics via MyCanisius.

Some changes are just cosmetic but Qualtrics decluttered and simplified things, while making features just as easy or easier to reach when needed.  There are some extensive changes to results and reporting tools.  See this video for details.

After a period of overlap where both the new and old versions will be available, Qualtrics will retire the old version in mid-June.  Qualtrics assures us that we will have all old surveys, data, and reports after we switch to the new version, and old surveys will be ready to use or reuse in the new interface.  Active surveys will not be affected when the old version is retired.  

You can see more previews and tutorials of the new version of Qualtrics here.

Email Mark Gallimore, with any questions.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, academic technology specialist