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FS-UP-STAT-conference-spotlightCanisius is the proud host of the 5th Annual Joint Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association (UPSTAT-2016).  This conference will be held April 22 and 23 and will bring together faculty and students from several upstate universities and from Canada to focus on data science, statistical practice and education.

The conference features presentations, tutorials, a panel discussion and two presentations from the keynote speaker, Richard De Veaux, PhD.  Professor De Veaux is a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and a renowned author, consultant and educator.  This conference represents a collaboration among several STEM fields on campus, with faculty members from Canisius’ Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, and Physics departments helping to organize the conference.

Additional organizers represent a number of local institutions including Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University at Buffalo and Buffalo State College. Canisius students are strongly encouraged to present at this conference.  This will be a great opportunity to showcase scholarship occurring on campus.  Any thesis, project or Ignation Day presentation with a bit of statistical analysis would be welcome.  Details about the conference can be found at If you have any questions, contact Mel Crotzer at or Leonid Khinkis at The deadline for abstracts is Friday, March 11. Prizes will be given for the best graduate and undergraduate presentations.

Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs