Canisius in the News
Tim O’Shei, of The Buffalo News, writes about Canisius alumnus Michael Healy in “The Connection: Michael Healy’s star shines in Hollywood.”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Submitted by: Public Relations
Tim O’Shei, of The Buffalo News, writes about Canisius alumnus Michael Healy in “The Connection: Michael Healy’s star shines in Hollywood.”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Submitted by: Public Relations
Canisius is the proud host of the 5th Annual Joint Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association (UPSTAT-2016). This conference will be held April 22 and 23 and will bring together faculty and students from several upstate universities and from Canada to focus on data science, statistical practice and education.
The conference features presentations, tutorials, a panel discussion and two presentations from the keynote speaker, Richard De Veaux, PhD. Professor De Veaux is a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and a renowned author, consultant and educator. This conference represents a collaboration among several STEM fields on campus, with faculty members from Canisius’ Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, and Physics departments helping to organize the conference.
Additional organizers represent a number of local institutions including Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University at Buffalo and Buffalo State College. Canisius students are strongly encouraged to present at this conference. This will be a great opportunity to showcase scholarship occurring on campus. Any thesis, project or Ignation Day presentation with a bit of statistical analysis would be welcome. Details about the conference can be found at If you have any questions, contact Mel Crotzer at or Leonid Khinkis at The deadline for abstracts is Friday, March 11. Prizes will be given for the best graduate and undergraduate presentations.
Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs
In his 19 years at Canisius College, Peter Böhm, PhD, has succeeded in building the German program into one of the elite programs at the college. Peter has accomplished this through dedication to teaching and inspiring his students with the love of learning. From 2005 to 2008, he received the Peter Canisius Distinguished Teaching Fellowship, which made it possible for him (and his colleague and dear friend, Dr. Larry Jones in Canisius’ Department of History) to take three groups of students to Holocaust sites in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. In the fall of 2009, after winning a grant from the German government, Peter and his students organized a week-long celebration at Canisius to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. And thanks to Peter’s hard work and dedication, no program at Canisius has been more successful in producing successful applicants for the prestigious Fulbright, DAAD and German Parliament Scholarships than the major program in German. Since 2010 alone, there have been seven such scholarships, total.
Before coming to Canisius College, Peter taught for the University of Maryland’s European Divisions. Prior to that, he had spent 12 years as a German language and culture teacher at U.S. Department of Defense Dependents’ Schools in Germany.
Did you know…During his free time, when he is not reading, Peter is an avid gardener, an excellent cook and a spectacular baker. He loves, what his wife of 40 years, Karen, calls “depressing and dark” art house movies and enjoys listening to classical, jazz and the Beatles’ music.
Submitted by: Public Relations
Canisius College and M&T Bank have partnered to establish a scholarship in honor of the late Michael P. Pinto. Pinto served in several leadership roles at M&T, including executive vice president, chief financial officer and vice chairman, and was a longtime supporter of Canisius College.
The Michael Pinto Memorial Scholarship is available to children of M&T employees who have been accepted to Canisius College. Scholarship recipients will be awarded a full scholarship, including tuition, room, board and standard fees, which is renewable for four years. The first scholarship will be awarded for the 2016-17 fall semester. One new scholarship will be awarded to a first-time freshman every other academic year.
“Throughout his tenure at the bank, Michael played an integral role in helping to build M&T in size, strength and stability,” said Robert Wilmers, chief executive officer for M&T Bank. “Michael was both a conscience and a compass, helping to instill the values that define who we are and what we do, while playing a leading role in charting the course of the bank’s strategic direction.”
“Creating this scholarship is a way to recognize Michael’s generous support of the college over the years, and honor his legacy at Canisius,” said President John J. Hurley. “I cannot think of a better or more appropriate way to honor and remember Michael than through the establishment of this scholarship in his name.”
For more information about the Michael Pinto Memorial Scholarship, please contact Rachel Flammer, director of stewardship at Canisius College, at 716-888-8217 or
Submitted by: Public Relations
The Joseph J. Naples Conversations in Christ and Culture Series and the Canisius College History Department present a lecture by Amir Hussain, PhD, on Thursday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Regis Room.
Dr. Hussain is a professor of theological studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California where he is a specialist on Islam and in particular, Muslim societies in North America. A native of Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Hussain was raised in Toronto, Ontario. After receiving his PhD from the University of Toronto, Hussain began teaching world religions at Loyola Marymount in 1997.
Dr. Hussain has been the editor of the prestigious Journal of the American Academy of Religion, is the author of the popular introduction to Islam, Oil and Water: Two Faiths, One God (2006), and has co-edited several studies of World Religions for Oxford Press. Dr. Hussain continues to serve on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals in the study of religion, and is a fellow of the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities. Dr. Hussain is the recipient of numerous awards for his teaching and is often sought out by media to comment on issues related to Islam.
Submitted by: Rosemary Evans, administrative assistant, Religious Studies and Theology