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Yesterday, President Hurley announced The Vision Project and invited all of the college’s stakeholders to join in a conversation about the future of Canisius College. A critical component in crafting the college’s next strategic plan, the mission of The Vision Project is to gather campus-wide input on the college’s vision statement, uncover the strategies needed to achieve that vision and initiate a long-term discussion about the future of the college.

To inspire thoughts and ideas, a working group of the college’s Strategic Planning Committee developed a series of “big questions” that were born out of the president’s 2014 convocation address, in which he laid out his vision for the future and invited the campus to join him in redefining what it means to be a student-centered university, in revitalizing our academic programs, and in pursuing innovation in our operations.

All members of the Canisius community are invited to take part in responding to the questions, challenges and opportunities facing the college by visiting The Vision Project community on the MyCanisius Portal. Click here to learn more about this initiative and to add your voice to the conversation.

Submitted by: Erica Sammarco, associate vice president, assistant to the president, secretary, board of trustees