As the end of the semester quickly approaches, it is time to share pertinent information concerning one of the most important series of events for our college: Commencement Week 2014.
Please share this information with anyone who may not ordinarily read electronic information. To reserve your spot at each event, please fill out this brief form – by May 12th.
The schedule for the Spring Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate Mass, Commencement exercises and related activities are listed on the Academic Affairs portal page – All faculty members are expected and encouraged to attend the ceremonies pertaining to the level at which they teach, since students look forward to having their mentors join them in celebration of their academic accomplishments.
Family Pictures
Any employee of the college receiving a degree or who has a spouse or child receiving a degree is welcome to have a complimentary family photograph taken immediately following the graduate and undergraduate ceremonies. To make arrangements, click here –
Any questions may be directed to Amanda Snider, commencement coordinator for Academic Affairs, at Ext. 2123 or
Submitted by: Amanda Snider, assistant director of academic special events, Academic Affairs