by Public Relations | Jan 29, 2014 | Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Canisius students experienced tropical wildlife while exploring the upper Amazon river basin in Peru over winter break. The group traveled with Michael Noonan, PhD, professor of biology and chair of animal behavior, ecology, and conservation and Sara Morris, PhD, professor of biology, under the auspices of the Canisius Zoological Society.
Enjoy more photos here:
Submitted by: Michael Noonan, PhD, professor of biology and chair of animal behavior, ecology and conservation
by Public Relations | Jan 29, 2014 | Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Students
“Canisius Cares Week” (Jan. 27 – 31) is a week dedicated to promoting kindness and compassion throughout the Canisius community, especially for those who struggle with mental illness.
The Office of Residence Life, RHA, CPLD and the Counseling Center have teamed up to offer opportunities during Canisius Cares Week to raise awareness and to reduce the stigma which often accompanies mental illness. The quad behind Old Main has been lit up with green lights for mental illness awareness.
Counselors are available in the Counseling Center (Bosch Hall 105) to help faculty and staff provide support to students who are struggling with mental illness or to help connect students to counseling services.
Mental illnesses are medical conditions that can cause people to think, act and feel differently than they usually do. One in four of us will experience mental health problems in a lifetime. Fifty percent of American college students experienced overwhelming anxiety in the past year. We can make a difference by showing compassion.
Submitted By: Eileen Niland, director, Counseling Center
by Public Relations | Jan 28, 2014 | Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Tony Gasak, building repairer from Facilities Management, assisted by Jamie Pike ’15, Office of Event Management, update the international flags in the Student Center 1st floor hallway. The flags represent the countries of all students registered at Canisius.
Submitted by: Michael Odojewski, assistant event coordinator, Office of Event Management
by Public Relations | Jan 28, 2014 | Faculty, Staff
The Office of Web Services will be launching a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) project in the beginning of February 2014. During Phase One of this project, Web Services will be reaching out to a select group of programs for benchmark testing and implementation. During this phase of the project we are asking any interested programs/departments to download and fill out the attached pdf and send it back via interoffice mail or email to If it is determined that your landing page can benefit from SEO, your program/department will be placed into the queue for Phase Two. We will call your department to set up a short 15-30 minute meeting to discuss your landing page and our recommendations for optimizing.
Phase Two is preliminarily scheduled to start on March 1, 2014.
SEO Questionnaire-final
Submitted By: David Courtney, director, Web Services
by Public Relations | Jan 28, 2014 | Faculty, Staff, Students
The Office of Campus Ministry has added an extra mass to the usual Sunday schedule. Masses for the weekend will be as follows:
Saturday, Feb. 1 at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 2 at 11:45 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Additionally, throats will be blessed for the feast day of St. Blaise after all masses as well as on Monday, Feb. 3 after the 12:10 p.m. weekday mass.
Submitted By: Michael Hayes, director, Campus Ministry