by Public Relations | Nov 15, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
The Canisius College Chorale, under the direction of Frank Scinta, will continue its 2013 Sacred Spaces concert series with a program on Sunday, November 17th at 5:00 p.m. in Corpus Christi Church, 199 Clark Street in Buffalo.
The concert follows recent successful performances in St. Louis Church, Buffalo and St. Benedict Church, Eggertsville.
Sunday’s program will feature works by Hogan,Vivaldi, Dawson, Ticheli and others. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Sacred Spaces stems from an idea the choir proposed nine years ago to feature its music in some of Western New York’s most beautiful and acoustically resonant environments – namely, the sanctuaries of our area’s churches. As a result, the choir has visited nearly forty houses of worship with its repertoire of sacred and secular music spanning five centuries.
The remainder of the Chorale’s Sacred Spaces Fall Series is as follows:
Sunday, November 17 at 5:00 p.m.
Corpus Christi Church, 199 Clark Street, Buffalo,NY
Monday, November 25at 7:30 p.m.
Annunciation Church, 7580 Clinton Street, Elma,NY
Friday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m.
Montante Center, Canisius College, 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY
Sunday, December 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Church of St. Anthony, 160 Court Street, Buffalo, NY (with Camerata di San Antonio – tickets required)
Please join us for one or more of these great choral events!
Submitted by: Frank Scinta, adjunct professor of Fine Arts
by Public Relations | Nov 15, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
Come join us on November 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Room of the Richard E. Winter Student Center as bioethicist C. Ben Mitchell, the J.R. Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy at Union University, addresses the challenges of being human in a biotech age.
Submitted by: Richard A. Bailey, associate professor of History
by Public Relations | Nov 15, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
It’s time to lace up those blades, gather up the family and head over to the Buffalo State Ice Arena. The annual Anderson’s Family Skate is scheduled for Nov. 29 when your Griffs host U/Conn the afternoon following Thanksgiving.
What a great way to wrap up Black Friday with a trip to the rink where all Faculty/Staff and their family members are admitted free, get the opportunity to skate for free with free rentals and then receive a delicious dish of Anderson’s Ice Cream. Talk about an event that is easy on the budget!!
Game time is 4 pm with the free skate to follow immediately after the contest. Your favorite Griffs will join everyone on the ice at the conclusion of the game.
So mark your calendar for November 29 – free admission (you can pick up your tickets in advance at the KAC box office, or the day of the game), free skate, free skate rentals and free ice cream.
For additional information call 888-2977. To reserve ticket, call 888-2885. Go Griffs!
Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director – external affairs, Athletics
by Public Relations | Nov 15, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
It’s that time of year again! As our athletes enter another exciting season, we would like to invite our youngest fans to join the Canisius team.
The Jr. Griffs Club is designed to give kids age 12 and younger a fun and rewarding experience as a special member of Canisius Athletics! For only $15, Jr. Griffs receive a t-shirt, official membership certificate, birthday card from Petey, chance to celebrate their birthday at a game with three friends, two free ticket vouchers for any men’s or women’s basketball or hockey game, and so much more!
If you are interested in signing a child up for the program please contact Jr. Griffs Club Coordinator, Eddie Zirnheld at, or call 888-6707.
For additional information, visit
Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director – external affairs, Athletics
by Public Relations | Nov 15, 2013 | Faculty, Staff
ArtsCanisius presents Daniel Kerdelewicz, French horn, as the featured performer of the next Informally~Formal Chamber Recital. The performance is on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center.
The recital will include a performance of Franz Krommer’s Octet, Op 71, Christoph Förster’s Konzert for Waldhorn, two violins, viola and basso continuo arranged for horn and piano, and Eugène Bozza’s – En Forêt op. 40.
A native of Poland, Kerdelewicz has won multiple horn competitions in his home country. In 2009, he joined the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra as associate principal horn for a one-year term and was named to the position permanently in 2010. Kerdelewicz was recently named guest associate principal horn of the Pittsburgh Symphony for a one-year term. Mr. Kerdelewicz will be joined by pianist Susan Schuman and Osiem, an ensemble made up of musicians from the Buffalo and Rochester Philharmonic Orchestras.
Tickets for this concert are $15 general admission and $7 for students and can be purchased at the door or online here.
For more information call the Music Office at x2536 or visit
Submitted by: Ellen Barnum, ArtsCanisius codirector