On September 14 the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will host the Buffalo Out of the Darkness Community Walk at Delaware Park. Canisius College will be participating and we are hoping that you will consider walking with us to support the education and prevention of suicide.
A life is lost to suicide every 14 minutes in the United States. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among fifteen to twenty-four year olds and the second leading cause of death among college students. However, most Americans remain unaware that suicide is a national health problem. The impact suicide has on the lives of family members, friends, co-workers and the community is devastating. The loss of human potential is enormous.
A major goal of this event is to show support for the families and friends of the more than 38,000 Americans who die by suicide, and the 20 million people who suffer from depression, each year. Support of the community walk also helps to raise funds for suicide prevention research and educational programs, erase the stigma surrounding suicide and its causes, and encourage those who are suffering from mental illness to seek treatment.
Please join Team Canisius College as we raise awareness and funds to bring suicide Out of the Darkness. Online registration is now available at outofthedarkness.org (be sure to join Team Canisius). For more information click here, or contact the Counseling Center at Ext. 2620.
Submitted by: Charita Price, counselor, counseling center