by Public Relations | Aug 27, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
It’s back to class for Canisius faculty and students. The freshman Class of 2017 is comprised of approximately 700 students, many of whom moved into Bosch and Frisch residence halls on Wednesday, August 21.
Several faculty and staff also moved into new spaces over the summer.
The Office of Mission and Identity is now housed in Horan O’Donnell 003A, alongside the Office of Community-Based Learning, which relocated to Horan O’Donnell 003B (the former conference room for the Office of Retention).
The new semester also means a new home for the Physics Department, which moved from Horan O’Donnell into its state-of-the-art space on the lower level of Science Hall. The department’s new real estate includes three classrooms, seven teaching labs, six research labs, two team project rooms and several faculty offices. There is also a machine shop and administrative space.
The Physics Department shares the lower level of Science Hall with the Information Technology Services (ITS) Department, which moved out of the Wehle Technology Center and into its own new space this summer. Months of pre-planning for the move resulted in minimal interruption of IT services across campus. 
ITS and the Physics Department join the departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, the Institute for Autism Research and the Dr. George E. Schreiner Pre-Medical Center, which moved into Science Hall last summer.
Click here to view more pictures of Science Hall’s lower level.
And here’s something more to “perk” you up.
The Science Café, located in Science Hall, will begin brewing Starbucks coffee this semester. This “hot” addition complements Science Café’s already popular menu items, which include pastries, grab-on-the-go sandwiches, salads and snacks.
If you were away this summer you may have missed a couple significant news stories involving Canisius College:
The U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences awarded the Institute for Autism Research a four year, $3.4 million research grant. It is the largest research grant ever awarded to Canisius. Click here to read more about the grant.
News also “broke” about the Ice Griffs, which will be the primary tenant in the new HARBORcenter, when it opens in fall 2014. The unique partnership between Canisius and the Buffalo Sabres enables the Golden Griffin hockey program to compete and practice in the $172 million multipurpose hockey and entertainment complex located in Buffalo’s Canalside District. Click here to read more about the partnership.
Finally, as the fall semester gets underway, be sure to mark your calendars for the following important events:
Thursday, August 29
- Mass of the Holy Spirit, 1:15 p.m., Montante Cultural Center
- C-Block Bonfire, 7:00 p.m. at the Bart Mitchell Quad
- ISHAR Lecture: Frans B.M. de Waal, PhD / World Renown Behavioral Biologist, 7:00 p.m. at the Montante Cultural Center
Thursday, September 5
- President’s Convocation, 2:30 p.m. at the Montante Cultural Center
Monday, September 16
by Public Relations | Aug 27, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The Canisius College Institute for the Study of Human-Animal Relations proudly presents world renowned behavioral biologist, Frans B. M. de Waal, PhD, C.H. Candler Professor in Psychology, Emory University; Director, Living Links Center, Yerkes National Primate Research Center. “The Bonobo and the Atheist: Morality, Religion, and Prosocial Primates” on Thursday, August 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center.
Professor de Waal will discuss the parallels between primate and human behavior, including peacemaking, morality and culture. His newest book focuses on the Bonobo, one of the great apes and one of humankind’s closest relatives. Professor de Waal’s research shows that empathy comes naturally to a great variety of animals including humans, and that religion is not the source, but rather a way to enforce good behavior.
This event is free and open to the public.
Submitted by: Michael Noonan, chair, ABEC
by Public Relations | Aug 27, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Your Golden Griffin volleyball team will host a five-team event this weekend that kicks off at Noon on Friday.
Canisius will meet Eastern Michigan in the KAC at Noon before hosting North Carolina State at 4 p.m.
On Saturday, the Griffs meet Hartford at Noon and then close out the weekend of play with a 6 p.m. match versus Cleveland State.
For a complete listing of all the weekend’s matchups, please visit
No admission charge. And, don’t forget to visit the Griffs merchandise stand at the game for all of the new fall offerings – New Era caps, hoodies, t-shirts and more.
Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director – external affairs, athletics
by Public Relations | Aug 27, 2013 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The Andrew L. Bouwhuis Library will host a commemoration of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom with a “round robin” reading of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s powerful, “I Have A Dream…” speech.
The program will be held on the 50th Anniversary of the event, Wednesday, August 28 at 3 p.m. in the lower level of ALB Library. Those wishing to read from the text can plan to read two or three sentences. This will offer several participants the opportunity to read. You can download a copy of the speech text provided by The National Archives & Records Administration here
Following the reading, participants are welcome to join a discussion about the speech or the anniversary of the March on Washington. Television coverage of this year’s March will be shown in the library’s lower level. More information about this year’s national commemoration can be found by clicking here.
As part of the commemoration, the Canisius community and visitors are invited to the ALB Library between now and next Wednesday, August 28 to complete the sentence “I have a dream…” by writing their thought on forms especially created for the event. These sentiments will be hung throughout the library, but contributors may chose to remain anonymous. If you prefer to submit your sentiment electronically, use the attached (I Have A Dream that…) PDF and submit it to
For more information contact Kathleen De Laney, archivist & special collections librarian at or Ext. 8421.
Submitted by: Kathleen DeLaney, archivist/reference librarian