February Workshops
STOP! PLEASE READ. See what workshops are being offered in February.
There is an iPad Users Group meeting on Friday, February 8th in SH1017 from 1:30 – 2:30. Also please note that we have created a blog for the group. You can view meeting dates, articles, and links. Click here for the iPad Users Group
For SmartBoard Users, there is a SmartBoard Users Group Meeting on Friday, February 15 in SH1017 from 12:00-1:00.
Scheduled workshops include SMART Notebook Galleries, ANGEL Grade book along with E-Mail Retention and Taming your Inbox. New additions include Google Applications in Education and Creating Web Pages Using iWeb for Mac and Advanced Outlook for Productivity. To register for these and other workshops please go to our Registration Page.
Submitted by: Joseph F. Rizzo, academic technology specialist, ITS