Milestones on Main Street: Question of the Day
What Canisius basketball game is in the NCAA Tournament history books as ‘one of the greatest upsets of all time?’
Submit your answer on the college’s Facebook page.
What Canisius basketball game is in the NCAA Tournament history books as ‘one of the greatest upsets of all time?’
Submit your answer on the college’s Facebook page.
ArtsCanisius will host a Meet-the-Faculty lecture/recital at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, October 26 in the Montante Cultural Center featuring Stuart Fuchs, guitarist and adjunct professor of music. The lecture is entitled “Following Your Heart, Doing What You Love: Road Stories from a Non-Weary Music Traveler.”
This Saturday Canisius College hosts the Bioethics Group of Western New York’s first in a series of talks examining emerging ethical issues in medicine.
Concierge medicine, also known as retainer-based medicine, is when a physician limits the number of patients in his/her practice, and charges those patients an annual fee. Please join the discussion on this model of medical practice in Grupp Fireside Lounge from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. this Saturday, October 27. Drs. Ron Santasiero and Katie Grimm will present and discussion will follow. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.
Registration (and breakfast!) will be free for medical, allied health professions and health and human services students. Please rsvp to Prof. Nancy Rourke of the Religious Studies Department (, 888-2460) if you wish to attend.
For more information, see the event’s description here.
Submitted by: Nancy Rourke, PhD, religious studies and theology
Richard Brewer, individual consultant for TIAA CREF, will be on campus in the Student Center Executive Conference Room for individual counseling sessions Tuesday, November 6. He will meet with individuals to review and discuss current investments, answer questions and review their options to help meet retirement goals.
To make an appointment, contact the TIAA CREF Service and Scheduling Group at 1-800-732-8353 or the Buffalo office at 862-5909 and ask for Sarita Barnes.
For more information, contact Dawn Rotterman at Ext. 3151.
Submitted by: Dawn Rotterman, human resources associate
In our hearts, there is a promise that says death can never win and a hope that will sustain us until we meet again. As November is the Catholic Church’s month to remember in a special way those who have passed from this life, we invite you to join us at this year’s Remembrance Service, Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 5:10 P.M. in the Canisius College Christ the King Chapel
Please give names of your loved ones to Campus Ministry Ext. 2420, OM 207 by noon November 5.
At the reading of their name you are invited to light a candle of remembrance. If you cannot attend, be assured we will light a candle of remembrance for you.
Submitted by: Susan Fischer, associate campus minister, coordinator of retreats