Next week a team of Spiritual Directors here at Canisius is offering The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, for staff working at Canisius College.
If you are interested, please contact Father Tom Colgan, S.J. For example, if you feel the need to be more connected with God, or you want to make a decision, or because something important is missing in your life, or you want better discernment when loving and serving others, this may be for you. Or, contact me if you just feel drawn to this Ignatian journey.
There is a team of Ignatian Prayer Guides here at Canisius who have been trained and are ready to walk with you on your journey.
The team of Ignatian Prayer Guides at Canisius are: Jan Sheridan, Father Tom Colgan, Betty Levin, Father Jim Dugan, Jerry Neuner, Kathy White, Veronica Serwacki, Sister Donna Lord, and Canon Barbara Price.
Please contact me this week if you can, and we will begin sometime next week. Thank you. (, X-2488)
Fr Tom Colgan, S.J.
Campus Ministry
Submitted by Fr Tom Colgan, S.J., campus ministry