by Public Relations | Apr 27, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
The Canisius College Chorale, under the direction of Frank Scinta, will conclude its 2011-2012 “Sacred Spaces” Concert Series with two performances this coming weekend:
Saturday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m.
Montante Cultural Center
Monday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m.
Our Lady, Help of Christians Church
4125 Union Road
Cheektowaga, NY
Both programs are free and open to the public. They will feature works of Mendelssohn, Lotti, Vivaldi, Bernstein, Dawson and others.
Sacred Spaces stems from an idea the choir proposed six years ago to feature its music in some of Western New York’s most beautiful and acoustically resonant environments – namely, the sanctuaries of our region’s present and former churches. As a result, the choir has visited nearly thirty-five houses of worship with its repertoire of sacred and secular music spanning five centuries.
Now concluding its fourteenth season, the Canisius College Chorale remains one of Western New York’s most active collegiate music ensembles. Composed of 120 undergraduate and graduate members, the chorale regularly presents concert programs to school, church, and community audiences throughout Western New York and Southern Ontario. In recent years, the Chorale has performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Ars Nova Chamber Musicians, Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus and the Dave Brubeck Quartet.
Submitted by: Frank Scinta, adjunct professor, fine arts
by Public Relations | Apr 27, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
Canisius College ITS Help Desk has recently updated the way it handles emails being sent to All emails sent to will now automatically be processed by our call ticketing system, resulting in improvements in communication and issue tracking. For more information about the new process, including examples of what you can expect in your inbox, click here –
Submitted by: Chris Filkins, academic technology specialist II, ITS
by Public Relations | Apr 27, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
The Exposure Control Plan (ECP) describes the methods to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens and create a safe and healthful work environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors. It has recently been revised and posted on the HR Web Site. View the Exposure Control Plan.
Submitted by: Dave Teloh, safety director, human resources
by Public Relations | Apr 27, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
The first phase of the annual NYS Fire Inspection has completed. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance with preparing for this year’s inspection. In the coming weeks, NYS will return to re-inspect those areas they deemed to be deficient during the initial walk-through.
There are a few items that appeared throughout the campus that need to be addressed prior to the re-inspection. They are as follows:
1. All personal portable heaters need to be removed from the premises.
2. Only college space heaters issued by the Facilities Management Department are permitted.
3. Refer to the college guidelines for the use of portable heaters at
Many offices, store rooms and labs were cited as having materials stored too close to the ceiling.
1. All items stored within 24-inches of the ceiling in buildings without a sprinkler system need to be relocated or removed.
2. All items stored within 18-inches of the ceiling in buildings with a sprinkler system need to be relocated or removed.
Many offices and dorm rooms were cited as having accumulated materials that obstruct clear access to the room exit.
1. Offices, classrooms, dorm rooms, etc. need to be maintained so there is always clear and safe access to exits.
2. Accumulated papers, files, books, furniture, etc. in access aisles need to be relocated or removed.
Your help with addressing these items is greatly appreciated. We are targeting May 11 as a completion date. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Facilities Management office at Ext. 2250.
Submitted by: Tom Ciminelli, fire marshal, facilities management
by Public Relations | Apr 27, 2012 | Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Canisius College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and Rich Products Corporation recently partnered to help local businessman Kaji Sunwar bring a taste of home to the growing population of Bhutanese/Nepali refugees on Buffalo’s West Side. Sunwar opened Sagarmatha Groceries earlier this year. A grand opening celebration is planned at Sagarmatha Groceries, 489 Grant Street, tomorrow (April 28) at Noon.
Rich’s sponsored SIFE’s Classroom and Community Partnership for Economic Development (CACPED) Program, with a $30,000 loan to be used as a student-managed micro-loan initiative for small business start-ups across Buffalo’s West Side community. It was through CACPED’s Refugee Economic Development Initiative that SIFE students identified Kaji Sunwar as a community leader and businessman able to launch a business in an area that needs revitalization. SIFE loaned the total amount of Rich’s gift to Sunwar.
The students worked closely alongside Sunwar, one of the first 60,000 Bhutanese Nepali refugees permitted to resettle in the United States in 2008. The city’s West Side, Black Rock and Riverside sections are now home to nearly 2,000 Bhutanese Nepali immigrants.
Under the guidance of Patricia A. Hutton, PhD, professor of economics and finance and SIFE’s advisor, the students wrote a business plan for the grocery store. Students conducted market research to determine the general company description, inventory, services and pricing strategy. They examined startup expenses, equipment costs, staff budgets, and capital resources. The students also assisted with store set-up, marketing and advertising.
“Through the program, we are not only helping the community, we are giving our SIFE students the tools they need to successfully launch and run their own businesses,” said Hutton. “The students interact with Kaji every week and act as leaders through their strategic thinking and general knowledge. This is tremendous experience for our students.”
“We’re pleased to support Canisius SIFE as they strive to use sound business practices and instruction to educate, improve, and empower our local West Side community,” said Howard Rich, vice president of community relations. “More than 65 years ago, Rich’s began as a small business on the West Side. Over the years, through hard work and the support of our own mentors, our company has grown into a global enterprise. We are thrilled for the opportunity to give back to the community that has supported us.” To read more, click here.