A seminar entitled “Using Exercise as a Treatment for Post-Concussion Syndrome” by Karl F. Kozlowski, PhD, ATC, assistant professor of kinesiology, will begin the Department of Kinesiology’s Spring 2012 seminar series on Thursday (February 16) at 4 p.m. in G21 Koessler Athletic Center. The seminar series is free and open to all who wish to attend.
Seminar Abstract:
Brain injury and the resulting disability is a major public health concern, with 1.7 million traumatic brain injuries reported each year in the United States. One of the most common brain injury diagnoses is that of a concussion. Symptoms from concussion typically resolve within seven to 10 days; however, up to 33 percent of persons with a concussion will be diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS). Exercise may have a therapeutic benefit to those experiencing PCS. There is evidence that a structured aerobic exercise program may reduce the occurrence and frequency of symptoms related to PCS and that this program will alter the physiologic response to exercise of individuals with PCS such that they can exercise to volitional fatigue without symptom exacerbation.
Additional seminars will include “Can Surfing Affect the Social Skills of Students with Autism?” by Lauren Cavanaugh, PhD, assistant professor of kinesiology on March 22, and “Professional Options Available as a Health/Wellness Professional” by Mr. Chuck Pelitera, MS, CSCS on April 19.
Submitted by: Karl Kozlowski, PhD, ATC, assistant professor, kinesiology