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Soup with Substance Series Celebrates Dr. Martin. Luther King, Jr. (February 1)

Craig D. Rogers, PhD, associate professor, economics & finance, presents “Civil Rights to Economic Justice: The Transformative Challenge of King’s Legacy and our Future” this Wednesday (February 1) from 12 – 12:45 p.m. in Regis South. Soup and beverages will be served courtesy of Chartwell’s Dining Service. All are welcome to attend. Rogers will speak for 30 minutes followed by a 15 minute question and answer period.

Submitted by:  Joe Van Volkenburg, assistant to the director, campus ministry

Retirement Reception for Irene Ehde (February 2)

After more than 27 years of service, Irene Ehde, administrative associate in ITS, will retire on Friday (February 3). An informal reception for her will be held Thursday (February 2) from 2:30 – 4 p.m. in the Faculty Dining Room in the Winter Student Center. All are invited to stop by to wish her well.

Submitted by:  Joel A. Cohen, PhD, associate vice president, library and information services