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Outlook Courses, March Schedule

New month-new expanded schedule for Outlook. March is a long month and gives us an opportunity to offer the Canisius community an enhanced schedule of workshops. Please note that all classes are held in the Wehle Technology Center ITS Conference Room (WT-106). Also workshops are limited to six participants. If you cannot check a box in the Doodle survey we’ve reached the maximum number. Here’s what we have planned for March.

Outlook Web Application (OWA) for PC and Mac
When ITS upgraded to the latest version of Exchange 2010, we provided significantly expanded capabilities for both platforms. OWA now supports the major browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and the new Google Chrome browsers. For workshop dates, times, and to make reservations click here.

Inbox Magic-Taking Control
This advanced workshop demonstrates easy ways to empty a stuffed inbox, archive your important mail, get rid of spam, and unsubscribe from unwanted E-mail. For workshop dates, times, and to make reservations click here.

Outlook Calendaring
Another advanced workshop that demonstrates the effective use of the Outlook calendar. It will include arranging meetings, sharing calendars, setting permissions, and viewing schedules. For workshop dates, times, and to make reservations click here.

Desktop Outlook for MacIntosh
An introductory workshop that demonstrates the fundamentals of the new version of Outlook 2011 on your Mac. You’ll learn about E-mail, calendaring, contact lists, and tasks. For workshop dates, times, and to make reservations click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Rizzo at Ext. 8354 or through E-mail at

Submitted by: Joseph F. Rizzo, academic technology specialist, ITS/FacTS Center