by Public Relations | Mar 31, 2011 | Faculty, Staff
Faculty and administrator contracts will now be sent electronically. The new distribution process provides the added convenience of an electronic signature. This is a small step in the college’s effort to conserve resources and the environment.
Faculty contracts will be sent to individual Canisius Email accounts on or about April 1. A push of a button will record acceptance of the contract and no further action will be required. The process is quick and confidential; with all information recorded in the Department of Human Resources.
Administrator contracts will be distributed in the same manner on or about May 1.
Please contact the Department of Human Resources at Ext. 2241 with any questions.
Submitted by: Deborah J. Winslow-Schaber, director, human resources
by Public Relations | Mar 31, 2011 | Faculty, Staff, Students
Canisius College welcomes activist and scholar Anthony J. Nocella II to campus on Tuesday (April 5) at 7 p.m. in the Regis Room North. The lecture, entitled “A Journey Through Animal, Environmental and Human Justice,” is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. The event is sponsored by the Animal Allies Club of Canisius College, Rev. John P. Bucki, S.J., director of Campus Ministry and Tanya Loughhead, PhD, of the Philosophy Department.
Nocella has a broad arena of interests: peace and conflict studies, environmental studies, youth and violence, disability pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, critical pedagogy, anarchist studies, hip-hop and punk studies and inclusive urban education. He has worked in prisons for more than 10 years and is the program director at Hillbrook Youth Detention Facility (in Syracuse, NY) along with teaching at Le Moyne College and SUNY Cortland. Nocella is the executive director and co-founder of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies (ICAS), and is an associate with the Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts. He was involved with peacemaking in Colombia with Mennonite Central Committee and Christian Peacemaker Teams. He served on more than a dozen NGO boards of directors.
Nocella is an exemplar of the “whole person” scholar and seamlessly blends his social activism with his academic pursuits. He has committed himself to activities as various as co-founding socio-political organizations, publishing academic books and articles, working with non-governmental organizations, assisting legal committees in the Americas, teaching seminars on mediation and conflict resolution, publishing poetry and founding academic journals.
For further information, contact Father Bucki (, Dr. Loughhead ( or Morgan Dunbar, president of the Animal Allies Club (
Submitted by: Tanya Loughead, PhD, assistant professor, philosophy
by Public Relations | Mar 31, 2011 | Staff
ArtsCanisius has something for everyone with three performances next week in the Montante Cultural Center.
Monday’s (April 4) Meet-the-Faculty recital is at noon and features pianist/forte-pianist Karen Schmid with a program of works by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert.
This year’s final Informally-Formal chamber recital is Tuesday (April 5) at 7:30 p.m. featuring BPO violinists Frances Kaye and Richard Kay with pianist Paul Ferington performing the music of Boccherini, Mozart and Shostakovich. Tickets are $15 general admission and $7 for students for this performance.
Finally, on Thursday (April 7) at 7:30 p.m., the Erie County Chamber Winds directed by Rick Fleming will perform a concert of works for double wind quintet by Francaix, Raff and Caplet.
For more information, click here or call the music office at Ext. 2536.
Submitted by: Ellen Barnum, assistant director, ArtsCanisius
by Public Relations | Mar 31, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Taylor Gray ‘11, MAAC Offensive Player of the Week |
Fresh off two impressive non-conference wins over the University of Connecticut and Duquesne, the sizzling Canisius women’s lacrosse team opens league play this weekend with a pair of home games.
The Griffs will host Manhattan in their conference opener on Friday (April 1) at 7 p.m., before meeting Iona in an 11 a.m. game on Sunday (April 3). The Iona game will be televised by Time Warner Sports.
All home games are free of charge. For additional information on Golden Griffins women’s lacrosse, go to
Submitted by: John Maddock, associate athletic director – external affairs, athletics
by Public Relations | Mar 31, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Justine Price, assistant professor of art history, will speak at the next Ignatian Scholars Coloquium Thursday (March 31) at 4 p.m. in Lyons Hall Room 303 (corrected location).
Abstract: In the early 1940s, three painters turned—consciously, collectively—to the subject of myth and created a series of paintings based on their explorations both of classical mythologies and of creation myths from outside the Western tradition. These are the so-called mythological works of Mark Rothko (1903–1970), Barnett Newman (1905–1970), and Adolph Gottlieb (1903–1974). By the 1950s, each artist would be a prominent member of the Abstract Expressionist movement (a label each artist contested). This paper attempts to see these so-called mythological paintings not as a mere transitional moment on long march towards the ‘triumph’ of Abstract Expressionism but as a significant moment of discovery in the history of avant-garde painting in America. This paper frames these works anew with an inquiry into the reading habits of the painters, especially on the subject of philosophy.
Submitted by: John Zeis, PhD, professor, philosophy