Rev. Howard Gray, S.J., will speak at Canisius on Saturday (October 23). This event is for those interested in Ignatian discernment, and who have experienced the Spiritual Exercises in some way or are becoming spiritual directors.
Father Gray’s visit will begin in Christ the King Chapel with prayer at 9 a.m. and then move to the Regis Room. The cost is $7.50, which covers snacks and coffee. Attendees are asked to bring a brown bag lunch. The deadline to RSVP is October 20. To register, please contact Pat Van Verth at Ext. 408 or 716-759-6893, or via Email
Father Gray’s visit to Canisius is part of an area-wide appearance sponsored by the Buffalo Jesuit Collaborative Committee, which includes representatives of Campus Ministry of Canisius College, St. Joseph Center for Spirituality in Clarence, Canisius High School and St. Michael’s Parish.
Father Gray has written extensively in spiritual theology, Ignatian spirituality and higher education. He understands Jesuit spirituality as well as anybody in the U.S. Father Gray is currently the special assistant to the president at Georgetown University. From 2001-2007, he served as rector of the Jesuit community and assistant to the president for University Mission and Identity at John Carroll University. From 1997 to 2001, he was the first director of Boston College’s Center for Ignatian Spirituality. In 1990, he became the director of the USA Tertianship, completing that assignment in 1996. Father Gray has been involved in a number of other leadership positions within the Jesuit order. He has also been a delegate to Jesuit General Congregations, 33 (1983) and 34 (1995).
Submitted by: Rev. Tom Colgan, S.J., campus ministry