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Seasonal Flu Shots Available Tomorrow (October 20)

The Office of Student Health and the Visiting Nurses Association will offer seasonal flu and pneumonia vaccines to the campus community on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Palisano Pavilion.

Insurances accepted include Independent Health, Univera, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare Part B, and insurance cards must be presented at time of vaccination.  For all others, the flu shot is $30 and the pneumonia vaccine is $45.

Children ages nine to 17 years can be vaccinated at this clinic.  A parent or guardian must be present at the time of vaccination.  This clinic is also open to the public.

For a list of other flu shot clinics in the community, click here.

Submitted by:  Patricia Creahan, APRN, BC, director, student health

Cyber Security Tip Of The Day

At Canisius, all Windows-based computers should be running Microsoft Forefront anti-virus software.  Users who see an alert window or popup from any other security software on a college computer are likely being tricked into an unnecessary piece of software (or worse).  Faculty and staff should call the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 2299 if they see something alerting them to download anti-virus software other than Microsoft Forefront.

Submitted by:  Matthew Gracie, information security administrator, ITS