A joint production of the Network of Religious Communities and the Video Institute of Canisius College

Kaleidoscope airs monthly on various local stations and is archived on Vimeo.

Episode Details

Date: October 2012

Topic: Politics and Leadership

Episode Segment #: 1

Starts at: 0:00

Link:  (can vimeo link to start spot?)  https://vimeo.com/52251448

Student Editor: (student) Spring 2018


Host: Stan Bratton- Executive director
Guests: Reverend Jeff Carter- Black Pentecostal
Dr. Doug Bunker – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Zayd Islam- Muslim


In this episode, religious leaders from the community of all different religious beliefs discuss politics and leadership. Reverend Jeff Carter says how he believes that God picks their leaders and will lead their leaders on the right path to make the right decisions. Dr. Doug Bunker says that they believe in sustaining those that are elected and that personal ambition takes a role. Zayd said that they leave the citizens voting up to the individual and they chose the best that they think there is.

There is no clear or understanding for politics in black Pentecostal church but people have a great impact and are very involved in who the leaders are and what they do. Dr. Doug Bunker’s religion encourages people to be active but church is neutral and isn’t used for electoral events. Zayd Islam says that they bring candidates and they present there policies but they do not allow argumentation and thenh the membership can vote based on moral thought.

Discussion Questions

Do you think that religion affects people’s opinions on politics?
Does it make leaders more likable if they are religious?
Does religion influence leaders outlook on things?


Demerath,N J,,III. (2007). Introduction: Religion, politics, and the state, at home and abroad. Sociology of Religion, 68(1), 1-3. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.canisius.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.canisius.edu/docview/216754019?accountid=26533

Hage, J. (2013). Influence of religion and religiosity on leadership practices in the workplace: A quantitative correlation study (Order No. 3538843). Available from Religion Database. (1346223709). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.canisius.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.canisius.edu/docview/1346223709?accountid=26533

Barker, Nigel. “Why Religion Rules American Politics.” Huffington Post,
Accessed 1 May 2018.

U.S. News. www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2017-08-25/


Leadership, Politics, Religious Traditions