by Terrence Bisson | Jan 25, 2022 | Fun Math, MathSeminars_old
Here are two puzzles from the Math Horizons magazine from the Mathematics Association of America. The reference is: Gary Gordon & Glen Whitney (2018) The Playground, Math Horizons, 26:1, 30-33. my answer to the second problem.
by Terrence Bisson | Oct 30, 2019 | Fall 2019
Oct 30: Zachary Lundy: on GPS mat380 Oct 30: Olivia Faracca: group theory and sudoku mat381 Nov 6: Cory Cherven: the math of airplane overbooking mat380 Nov. 6: Lauren Thorne: the use of statistics in predicting sports outcomes mat380 Nov 13: Nick Spinoza: the...
by Terrence Bisson | Sep 5, 2019 | Fall 2019
Dr. David Sheets, a talk in math seminar, Science Hall SH-036. NOTE: NEW ROOM at 2:15 pm on Wednesday September 11. “Exploring network graphs with R: An interactive workshop” We will build and display network graphs in the R system, and perhaps...
by Terrence Bisson | Sep 4, 2019 | Fall 2019
September 11: talk by Dr. David Sheets, on R. September 18: talk by Michael Fregellete, on passing the actuarial exams. September 25: talk by Alison Papincak, from the Society of Actuaries. October 2: research talk by Dr. Piotr Hajac.
by Terrence Bisson | Sep 4, 2019 | Fall 2019
Mat 380-381-480 meets every Wednesday afternoon, from 2:10pm to 4:00pm. We will start by learning TeX and blogging in WordPress, with informal student talks and guest speakers. Nick – what is LSAT, Sept 11 We will be meeting in Science Hall Room 1004 from now...