Imagine: You are sitting in a coffee shop on your phone when all of a sudden you get the urge to check the balance of your bank account. You go to settings in your phone and connect to the free WiFi at the coffee shop. Then you goon the bank’s website or in their app and GAME OVER. Well, it would be if not for cryptography.

There are two forms of cryptography, public and private. Both help in internet security and keep other people from getting your information. It would be possible to go online without this technology, however, why would you? If there was no way to secure data and communication across the internet, no one would want to go on it. Since the beginning of human communication, humans have always wanted privacy. There are many things people do not want blurted out so the whole world knows. Privacy is a human right and their data and communication should be protected as such.

In this presentation, I will explore the two different methods of cryptography and give examples of each. These two methods need to be used in unison because private cryptography, although fast, is not secure. Public key cryptography is secure, but extremely slow. I will compare two examples of public key cryptography, explaining how it is evolving. Although still slow, cyber security experts have shortened the key length, making one form of public key faster than the other.