My second presentation of this semester will not be a continuation of my first presentation.
Instead I will focus on education in mathematics, specifically in the instruction of undergraduate college courses in abstract algebra. This topic is extremely relevant to all students in mathematics as they might have struggled learning abstract algebra after being taught to focus solely on calculus concepts for their entire learning up to abstract algebra.
My presentation will look at Dubinsky theory, which introduces the concept of learning through actions, processes, objects, and schemas.
It is most conducive to learning this topic through concrete examples, which will be explored in my presentation.
The link to the article used is below. .
I really appreciated Mary’s talk. As a future mathematics educator, I have come to the realization that the way we are expected to teach mathematics in high schools is a huge contrast to what students will see in college. While mathematics in college is most definitely at a higher caliber and should be respected as such, I believe that professors should be investing time into the exploration of different teaching methods–especially when test corrections or large curves are necessary to bring the average grade to a respectable level. Mary presented an intriguing way of making the understanding of abstract material a discovery process for students. It will be interesting to see if these kinds of ideas will be integrated into college mathematics classes at some point in the future.
Emilie Clark