Presentation(s) for this week:
Brittany Zaccaria, Methods of Multiplication (on the lattice and the American method)
see the advance pdf:
Maranda Hartman, Euler’s Method
see the advance pdf:
Jonathon Moreland, More eigenvalues
see the pdf:
On Brittany’s talk:
I though Brittany’s talk was very interesting. I had never heard of the lattice method of multiplication before her talk, so it was interesting to see a new way to do something that normally comes second nature at this point in mathematics. It was also helpful to learn the background of multiplication methods since when we learn it in elementary school we only learn how to do it, and not where it came from. I thought she presented the information well and it was a unique topic that I would not have ever learned about had she not done it. Although it was a fairly simple topic for an upper level math course, it was still interesting and good to learn. If someone in the seminar was an education major, the talk would have been helpful since it identified two different methods to do one thing, which would work with two different types of learning styles.
On Brittany’s talk:
I really enjoyed learning about the Lattice method of multiplication. I have never seen this before and was somewhat skeptical about it; however it is a very powerful, straightforward method. I would like to look some more into why it works. As an education major and a math tutor, I think this is a great thing for me to now know! Students learning in so many different ways, and seeing as math can be so difficult for some students to grasp it is very helpful to offer many different ways for students to learn the same concept. Even though I will be teaching at a high school level and would like to think most of my students will know how to multiply, I cannot assume this will be the case. Now I have a very logical method of this concept that will hopefully be easier for some students to grasp.