While the courses I offer vary a bit over time, the following courses are usually offered every year or every other year.

Primatology, BIO312

Primatology covers all aspects of  the fascinating mammalian order Primates. I emphasize evolution, behavior, and conservation of this diverse group. The course carries the core advanced writing attribute.


Zoo Animal Management, ABEC251

This is the core class for the zoo biology minor. We explore all aspects of zoo operations, from the needs of individual zoo animals, to populations, to visitors. We have the opportunity to talk with some zoo curators and directors, and group projects allow students to explore the intricacies of running a zoo.


Conservation Biology, BIO322

This course introduces students to issues involving the conservation of biodiversity. Topics include climate change, invasive species, and threats to biodiversity. The course culminates in a poster session open to the whole campus.


Animal Enrichment, ABEC339

Animal Enrichment explores the role of enrichment in laboratory, shelter, and zoo animals. Students work in groups to design and test enrichment ideas at various locations. Adding an “entrepreneurial” bent to the class, groups develop a “marketable” enrichment product idea.


Find out more about some unique, experiential learning opportunities  below.

Observational Research Methods, ABEC360

Observational research methods offers an authentic research experience to students. Most of the semester is spent collecting data on student-designed research projects at the Buffalo Zoo. The course culminates in a research poster session at the Buffalo Zoo. The course carries the advanced writing designation.


Zoo Exhibitry, ABEC351

This 1-credit course revolves around a zoo road trip of approximately 4 days, during one of the school breaks. Specific areas of emphasis allow students to focus on key aspects of exhibit design, while visiting a range of zoos in the northeast and midwest.


Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in  Africa, ABEC404

This core capstone course (open to students entering their senior year) involves a 3-week trip to the Lajuma Research Centre in South Africa. This once-in-a-lifetime experience introduces you to field methods in wildlife ecology and allows you to immerse yourself in a different culture. More details can be found on the “South Africa” page.DSC02076