Partners in Scholarship

Art Museum at the University of Toronto

The Art Museum is comprised of the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and the University of Toronto Art Centre which were federated in 2014 and began operating as the Art Museum at the University of Toronto.

The Art Museum organizes and presents an intensive year-round program of exhibitions and events that foster — at a local, regional, and international level — innovative research, interdisciplinary scholarship, and knowledge of art and its histories befitting Canada’s leading university and the country’s largest city. For more information, visit


2024-2025 Season

The calendar is filled with concerts, exhibits and other events for the college community and the public. Students and faculty members are featured in our galleries and performance venues, along with artists from across the region. The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra performs at least one concert on campus every year. All ArtsCanisius events are on the Canisius University campus unless otherwise noted. For more information, visit

Festival of Ensembles Concert. Wednesday, February 26. 7:30 PM. Montante Cultural Center.

$5.00 general admission

Canisius Zoological Society Photographs. On View January 20-March 10. Reception: Friday, February 21. 2:00 PM. Vogt Gallery in the Canisius University Library.

The Buffalo Religious Arts Center

The Buffalo Religious Arts Center was established in 2008 to collect and preserve fine art from the many houses of worship that were forced to close their doors. It is one of the few galleries in the United States housed in a former church and dedicated to the preservation of religious art. For more information, visit

Center for the Study of Art, Architecture, History & Nature

Founded in 2009, C-SAAHN helps move education from an individual’s right to everyone’s responsibility for lifelong learning, as part of the “Buffalo-Chautauqua Idea: Exploring American Legacy.”

For more information, visit:

Buffalo’s Important Role in USA Labor Movement History. Speaker: Peter Godfrey Tuesday, February 11. 12:30 PM. Via ZOOM.

Classical Association of Western New York

Established in 1960, CAWNY advances the study of Latin and Greek by:

  • disseminating information about CAWNY to current and prospective members
  • fostering discussion related to the teaching of Classics
  • promoting the sharing of materials

For more information, visit CAWNY’s website here.

Impero Archaeological Project

The Impero Project aims to investigate the changes that occurred in the Mediterranean economy from the late Etruscan period until the 9th c. CE with a particular focus on the Roman south Etruria. The Project is carried out by the Department of Classics of the University at Buffalo in collaboration with Michigan State University.

For more information, visit

Institute for European & Mediterranean Archaeology

IEMA is a Signature Center of Excellence within the College of Arts and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo. It was created in 2006 by an interdisciplinary faculty, drawn from departments across the university. With its departments of anthropology and classics, we promote the study and teaching of the archaeology of the Mediterranean and European areas in the Western New York/Southern Ontario region, North America, and beyond.

For more information, visit

Memorial Art Gallery at the University of Rochester

A visit to the Memorial Art Gallery is a journey through more than 5,000 years of art history. From the relics of antiquity to works in the vanguard of contemporary practice, MAG offers a panorama of the world’s art. Our 14-acre campus is a spectacular public art space that is a popular destination for Rochesterians and out-of-town visitors alike.

For more information, visit

The Shona Mbira of Zimbabwe & African Connections. Thursday, February 13. 10:30 AM. Click here for more info.

Public Tour of the Galleries. Dates & times vary.

Click here for more info

Going for Baroque. 1:30 PM & 3:00 PM. Sundays. Performances on the Italian baroque organ by students of the Eastman School of Music.

Click here for more info

New York State Archaeological Association: Houghton Chapter

NYSAA is the primary organization for professional and avocational archaeologists in New York State. Everyone who is interested in archaeology and the past is invited to join the Houghton Chapter. September to May, the Chapter holds its monthly meetings at the Buffalo Museum of Science. You do not need to be a member to attend!

For more information, visit:

Call for Papers: NYSAA 106th Annual Meeting. May 2-4, 2025. Niagara Falls, NY. Papers due Tuesday, April 1. Presenters must be members of the New York State Archaeological Association. To join a chapter near you, click here. For more info. about the conference, click here.

St. Louis Church Choir 

The St. Louis Choir is an all-volunteer ensemble. Its repertoire covers nine centuries of sacred music and nearly every style of western composition. In past years, members of the choir have performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Ars Nova Musicians, and Camerata di Sant’ Antonio Chamber Orchestra.

For more information, visit: