The start of something new

This semester I am starting my first ever internship. I will be interning at Crosswater Digital Media. This firm specializes in all sorts of digital media based projects that a Digital Media Arts major such as myself would love to be involved with. Looking at their...

Final Reflection

Looking back to the start of my internship at Crosswater, I would say that I accomplished most of my goals that I set at the beginning of the semester.  I learned more about programming, got to experience different types of projects dealing with Virtual Reality, and...

Crossing Over to Crosswater

Ever since High School I knew I always wanted to become a Game Designer but I really didn’t know how much there really was in this field. After starting at Canisius I soon realized that there are many different jobs in the field of Game Design and after taking...

Coming to the end..

As the stressful semester comes to an end, I can proudly say that I have never been stressed at my internship. The experience has been great! Looking back to where I was in the beginning of the semester compared to now, I can say I have learned a lot about newspaper...

Let The Internship Games Begin

Hello from a first time intern.  After two weeks of spending time at Buffalo Game Space, I can correctly say that this is going to be an interesting experience. Buffalo Game Space is a non-profit organization that dedicates their time to help people make video games,...