New Beginnings…

I started my internship last week as a graphic design intern with The Public, a local alternative newspaper, located off of Elmwood in Buffalo. The first days of anything are always nerve wracking no matter how much you prepare yourself. I kept thinking to myself,...

First Day Jitters

The first day jitters are always common when approaching a new experience.  On the first day of my internship at Abbey Mecca and Company, I was a little more excited than nervous.  I was excited to be part of a new team and be in the field of design. However, I prayed...

A guy walks into a TV Studio

Yes I did.  My first and second days at WBBZ-TV have gone extremely well.  I’ve been updating their Facebook and Twitter pages so that those who are friends with/following them can know what it showing and when.  I sat in on three tapings of their show...

Life as a WNYBAC Intern

I was really excited to start my internship at the Western New York Book Arts Center (WNYBAC). However, when I started last week, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would be doing besides letterpress. I am learning letterpress printing, but also almost everything that...