Final days at Mr.Smith

I never thought that my last day at Mr. Smith would come, but I’m sure last Thursday happened and I wasn’t dreaming of it instead. I feel like I made some awesome connections while being there, so I brought in coffee and doughnuts for everyone in the...

Networking Event

During the semester I was very nervous about finding a networking event that I thought would really be a great stepping stone for after I graduate. My friend Tom out of the blue asked me if I wanted to go to a networking event with him because he had extra tickets and...

Playing ping pong and doing work

Starting my internship, I went in feeling very nervous about the unknown. Since it’s downtown, I knew that parking would be a little rough and i wasn’t excited about it at all. I actually had a melt down on my first day because I was stuck in a spot and...

Oh no Oprah

If you would’ve asked me 3 years ago coming into college what I wanted to be, Oprah would be the only thing that I could tell you. On the other hand, I never knew exactly what Oprah did to reach her success but that was the only thing that I wanted. I thought...