The end of my internship is the end of an era

As my internship came to a close, so did my time at Canisus College. This summer’s internship at SKM has been a very helpful experience. The agency provided me with more solid structure than my previous internship (although my previous internship was a wonderful...

Settling in to SKM

I’ve been at the SKM Group 3 times a week for about 3 weeks now. Twice a week I am in from 9 to 5, and boy does it feel long sometimes! Wednesdays I’m in from 1pm until 5, and depending on what I’m doing that day, those 4 hours may or may not be long...

Reflection on my internship at The Martin Group

My experience at the Martin Group was very beneficial. My supervisor was extremely busy working on several accounts and projects all at once. However, he was still able to answer any questions I had about the media field. The first week I was there, I came in not...

Settling in to my internship

I’ve been at my internship at an ad agency, The Martin Group, for about 4 weeks now.   My supervisor is in the media department, so I have been helping him organize various media materials and schedules. I have been updating templates for schedules to air commercials...