by dickey1 | Mar 3, 2016 | 2014 Spring, Past Semesters
For my informational interview I interviewed my supervisor, Laura Wright for the Journeys Palliative Care Program from my particular facility Seneca Health Care Center and the overall supervisor for the Journeys Program at all McGuire Group facilities, Barbara...
by dickey1 | Mar 3, 2016 | 2014 Spring, Past Semesters
This past Thursday I attended PRSSA’s event at Montante Cultural Center. The way the event worked was first we arrived and mingled with each other as people came in, then there were two presentations by Communication Professionals that are Canisius alums that...
by dickey1 | May 14, 2014 | 2014 Spring
When I began my internship this semester with the Journeys Palliative Care Program, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had spent a lot of time volunteering at Seneca Health Care Center, and it had a big piece of my heart. Part of me was afraid of making it...
by dickey1 | Feb 18, 2014 | 2014 Spring
I’ve always enjoyed working with the elderly. In high school, I spent a lot of my time volunteering at nursing homes, and even though I visited a few different places, a little facility named Seneca Manor in West Seneca stole my heart. That’s why, when I learned that...
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