The networking event that I attended this fall was the HomCOMing hosted by the communication department at Canisius. It was held on a Wednesday evening in Science Hall Commons at Canisius. I got to see a lot of familiar faces, which was awesome. Since many of the alumni who came to network had only graduated last year or a few years ago, I got to catch up with some friends including Aidan Joly and Thomas McBride. I also met Nick Veronica who is working at a news station, and talked with some other guests and professors as well. Most of the people I talked to were in TV journalism, a sector of journalism that I don’t think I’m particularly interested in but that I do like learning more about.
I think I gained some experience just chatting with people in a professional way. Networking events can be stressful because you want to make a good impression but you don’t want to come off as desperate. I think this event was perfect for me because it was in a familiar place with lots of familiar people. I was able to chat with everyone without being stressed, and had lots of fun catching up with some people I hadn’t seen in a while.
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