The event I attended was the HomeCOMing event that was held on September 29th. The event was held at the Grupp Fireside Lounge above the Dining Hall on campus. The layout of the event had several tables across the room labeled with the different areas of work people were in so we could find them easier. Since it was an open concept, you were free to walk up to anyone, and you controlled how long you talked to people. The types of people that attended were based on what kind of work they were in, like PR, marketing, digital media, etc., along with how extroverted they were, which happened to be a lot of them since they were easy-going and open to talking to anyone. Types of people I met were those who were on the creative side, and I met quite a few who were in the field of marketing. Everyone I talked to was very helpful and answered all of the questions I had. I benefited from this event because it helped me get into the habit of introducing myself to potential connections, how to regulate business-appropriate conversations, and building confidence in talking to and asking questions of strangers. Since this was my first in-person networking event, it helped me loosen up and learn how to present myself in future events.
At first, I was a little stressed out having to walk up and talk to people I didn’t know because I didn’t know how to introduce myself, but as the night went on, it got a lot easier, and I started having fun. When I expressed I wanted to meet people but wasn’t sure who to approach, Dr. Wanzer stepped in and helped me find the people who could help me and answer my questions. The interaction I remember the most from the event was talking to Paul Knight about his photography and what I was looking to do. I got to express the recent work I’ve been doing in my internship and how I want to implement more of the skills I’m learning in my DMA classes in the future. He gave me a few tips and recommendations of what I could try doing, and I have his business card so I can contact him when needed. I also made the poster that was outside the event doors, which was a fun project to take on since I got to see it being used at the event!

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