My internship with Crosswater Digital Media has officially come to a close – is it a bad thing to admit I already miss it? The work I was able to do there with Armin and Lauren was spectacular, and it always felt like I was working on something new, or at least learning something I didn’t know how to do previously!

In terms of the goals I set out before the semester began, I can safely say I checked off pretty much all the boxes! Lauren and Armin encouraged me to stay in contact, and may even have work for me in the future. Most of the projects we worked on together demonstrated some sort of new skill I hadn’t learned before, all of which they said I’m free to use in my portfolio and demo reel – which I’m super thankful for! I was able to explore how to edit 360 and VR footage, as well as edit and patch that footage to make certain details appear seamless (Want to get rid of that tripod in your 360 shot? You can!). I also worked on producing and shooting some demo footage for a professional client, as well as contributed to a big graduation project for UB – which personally means a lot to me as someone who’s graduating themselves in the less-than-favorable circumstances.

The varying degree of work added some new useful video editing skills to my tool-belt that I’ll know doubt try to make use of. For starters, over the summer I’d like to experiment with 360 and VR more and learn the intricacies about working with that format. Other tips like working with proxy footage and the like I hadn’t thought about has made working on videos even easier than before as well, all tips I’m hoping I just can incorporate into my routine by habit.
It also gave me a great taste of what working remote is like. Even after the world returns to normal, there’s no doubt in my mind employers will still use or encourage remote options for work. It may just become an accepted part of our reality, and I think having that experience is useful and makes you more reliable. You really depend on yourself when working remotely, there’s no one there to constantly guide you or peek over your shoulder… It adds a sense of responsibility, one I certainly feel I gained through the internship.

I couldn’t be anymore thankful for the work Armin and Lauren gave me; and both of them were super kind and encouraging every time we spoke. If anyone’s considering interning here in the future, I would most definitely recommend it. Armin and Lauren are about the nicest company you can ask for, and the work they do is beyond amazing.

And now… I’m off to prep for finals, and get ready for graduation. A whole new world awaits me in just a couple short weeks. Allons-y!