Located in Hertel Alley @maddgrafix

This is my second semester interning with Council Member Joel Feroleto (Delaware District) as his social media intern. I run the @hertelwalls Instagram and Facebook pages. Hertel Walls highlights a variety of different murals that are on Hertel Avenue. My job is to post and interact with the public through socials. At the end of last semester when they asked me to stay on as their intern I was happy to jump at the chance to continue learning about social media marketing/PR.

Last semester I focused mainly on posting and how to increase followers/engagements. I was able to figure out what posts worked best, what times were the best times to post, etc. If you are wondering, any picture that has a dog in it seems to do the best without fail. I have learned that posting around 3 times per week, especially on Fridays, get the most engagements. Using analytics helped me gauge what/how much to post the next week.

This semester I plan on continuing to post and create photo content as well as challenge myself to create video content. I plan on creating several short clips together to provide more information about the murals, artists, etc. The information is all on hertelwalls.com but does not get as much traffic as the social pages. I am hoping that this will help me with my video editing skills.

Located on Hertel Alley @BuffaloTomHolt