Hi everyone! I’m Katie McMahon, a rising senior COM and IMC major at Canisius. This summer I am interning at Superbia Services which is a financial services company for the LGBTQ community! I began with Superbia at the busiest but most exciting time because they are getting ready to launch their company/website very soon! Superbia is the first company of its kind that specializes in financial services for the LGBTQ community. It is revolutionary and I am so proud that I get to be part of such a positive and trailblazing company. I am doing mostly copywriting for the website and emails at the current moment and will most likely continue copywriting but also focus on marketing and social media campaigns once they launch.
I am about 2 weeks into my internship and it has been such a learning experience! First off, working from home is a big adjustment (there are so many things that distract me here!) but so far when I have been given work to do I am able to buckle down and get it done. I definitely was worried about having a remote internship because of negative experiences in the past, but I have learned that communication is key because everyone is in a similar boat to me! The second thing I have learned so far is just how fast-paced business can be in general but also when leading up to launch. There are so many meetings that I love being a part of. I have been in both digital marketing and public relations meetings. They are so informative and I have been able to make connections within both fields.
Overall it has been a great experience. My boss is so nice and supportive. I’m very excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store for me. I am eager to take it all in, grow as a writer and as a person. I think that Superbia is going to be a great stepping stone into my future in the working world.

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