This is a strange time.

This internship started so wonderfully, I got to meet many working people in the field that I want to spend my life in, and even work alongside them. They helped with projects and I learned a-lot.

However, a little over halfway through the semester, a certain global pandemic broke out that made it rather impossible to get together in person. The folks at the Game Space were very quick to act and formed a discord channel as an informal place for everyone who is interested in game design to meet up and hang out. This has made getting into contact with all those who I used to see and work with very easy, and with the use of cloud project management tools like GitHub, we have been able to work together. We also used Zoom in order to have the whole game space do the normal weekly Project Night meetups. All the usual events that the game-space runs were cancelled, but under the current circumstances, this business adapted amazingly well to a changing world.

As for my personal projects, I think they came out rather well. It will make for an excellent portfolio piece, and I’m going to make an online display page for the project in my online portfolio.