I’ve really enjoyed working at Channel 4 this semester. It’s been interesting to see how the sports department of a news station works. One takeaway I have from this experience is the differences between writing a story and writing for TV. I had the chance to write a few practice scripts and we spent a decent amount of time going over what works and what doesn’t work for a TV segment. We talked about picking soundbites and how to write to them. I had the opportunity to shoot a segment inside and outside the studio which was a lot of fun. Coming into this internship, I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I wrote down my goals. Over the course of the semester, I feel like I’ve reached those goals and learned a lot about what it’s like being an anchor. Most of my work in sports has been from behind a camera. Working here though, you’re always in front of the camera. It’s a little scary at first, but once the take is done, I actually thought it was pretty fun. Overall, the work experience was great, and I would highly recommend anyone interested in news in general look into an internship at Channel 4.