For the past few years I’ve been a part of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a national, social fraternity with a small chapter here at Canisius. This year, the chapter had a banquet on October 18th in Regis/Grupp. The banquet was open to new members and their close family, current members, and alumni.
The banquet was formal dress, with about 40 or so attendants. About a quarter of those attendants were alumni. After everyone was settled in, our Regional Director Alex Bochel gave a speech about how the chapter influenced him as a person and how he’s seen the chapter change and grow. Once his speech was done, the new members were briefly introduced. Then food was served and everyone got up from there seats to walk around and chat.
This was the first time meeting a lot of the SigEp alumni. I was introduced to Dan O’Neil, Vinny and Michael Panuccio, Brian MacDonald, Mike Moeller, and George Tawadros. Of the alumni, I probably talked the longest with Terry Alexander. He was a Finance Major who worked with Griffin TV for a short time. He said he would help his friend with behind the scenes work if the club was shorthanded for a film session. He also helped budget the club’s finances for a semester. By the sound of it, the club used to be way more active before I attended Canisius.
I think the thing that made this event so interesting is that this type of event is something we don’t typically do. SigEp doesn’t typically run banquets. It’s also difficult to get a hold of the alumni. I may not have gotten a job interview out of this event, but I think the biggest thing I took away from this event is the confidence. Between Alex Bochel’s speech and the advice I received from some alumni, confidence really has impact, no matter what field of work you’re in. Confidence can really change a person.
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