Looking back on this internship, I have so many good memories even though it was only for a semester. Goal-wise I wasn’t able to accomplish everything I had hoped, in part because of Labor Union restrictions set on the Engineering department. I learned a couple IT tricks from Matt at the station, and I learned so much from Steve about engineering and how everything works in the station. It’s unfathomable how much Steve alone knows about all technology. Despite not as much hands on things to do, I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything else. Steve, Mike, John, and everyone else at the station were so nice and welcoming that I loved/looked forward to going to my internship every time. Related to that, the connections I have made with people in the television business over the last 4 months because of this internship have really stood out, and multiple people have offered their assistance if I ever need help or advice. Knowing more about how the station works and how each department functions will definitely help long term, as well as how wiring and cable is run through the equipment and studio.