Overall, my internship experience was a good one. My co-workers and supervisor were great and took the time to explain things to me in detail. The atmosphere at the agency was very laid back and a lot of fun to be a part of. I learned early on that my internship goals were not achievable due to the nature of the agency I was at. We didn’t have any huge social media campaigns and we didn’t take on any new clients. Most of my goals were very dependent on those two factors.
At my midterm evaluations, I decided to set a new goal to sit down, one on one, with each team member at the agency to learn more about their role. I found this to be the best part of my internship. I came into my internship with tons of content marketing experience so I really didn’t learn a ton each day. However, each time I sat down with them one on one I learned so much! I learned about media planning and how to use strata, and about the creative side and different design elements. I think having basic knowledge of each of the parts in an agency will set me apart from others that are looking to enter the agency world right out of college. I am hoping to keep in touch with everyone at the agency in hopes of finding a career in the field within the next few weeks. Overall, I would say it was a good experience.
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