Today I attended the AMWC’s Networking Event at the Student Center at 6:30 PM. The style of the event was like speed dating, so everyone that was there would take 3 minutes to talk to one of the professionals there and then rotate. This kind of networking was very unique, and if there was a particular person you wanted to talk to longer, you could go up afterwards and talk to them. Many of the people that attended were my friends from the Communication major, as well as some Journalism people. There were professionals from many different fields there, but many of them seemed to be related to television or sports in some way. Getting to talk to so many people in the broadcasting field that are not that much older than I am was very helpful, and put me more at ease for graduating. Jenna from Channel 4 and Liz from Channel 2 were the two I found most helpful and interesting to talk to. Liz extended the invitation to email her and ask her anything if I ever had a question or needed help. All in all I’m happy I went, and I honestly should have gone to more networking events during my other years as well because it was very helpful to talk to professionals in their respective fields.