On April 19th, I attended a panel called “Meet Your Future: Pro Tips from AAF Buffalo” here at Canisius. The speakers came from multiple organizations, including Luminus, FARM, Great Lakes Orthodontics and BlueCross BlueShield of WNY, and represented different roles in the area of marketing and communications. At this event, these members of the Buffalo American Advertising Federation chapter shared some advice with us students about our future careers.
As a graduating senior, I felt a sense of relief when they talked about their own fears and struggles after graduation, as well as the message to embrace new opportunities. It’s rare that somebody gets their dream job after college, and what may seem like a failure can prove to be an excellent learning experience.
Another valuable lesson from the panel that stood out to me was about a topic that a Communication Studies major at Canisius never stops hearing about: networking. I saw this in action when I was able to talk to a panelist and found out that he knew some people at my previous internship. This truly showed me the potential power of networking and how opportunities for learning can come from the relationships you have and will form in the future.
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