It’s hard to imagine that this Friday I will be walking into my internship for the last time. Although the end is near, by no means has my work settled down. Much like finals week in classes, my final week at Quinlan has been busy and I’ve spent all my time doing keyword research, playing with coschedule headlines and writing copy for my final blog post. As busy as I’ve been, things feel very natural now. Long gone are the days where I anxiously wondered if I was spending the correct amount of time on an assignment or suggesting the most appropriate topics. I now find myself writing with relative ease and confidence.

I have learned so much from my time at Quinlan and I am grateful for the personal attention that my supervisors provided me. At other internships, I often felt more hesitant about asking my mentors questions, but at Quinlan I was comfortable and able to ask questions, request feedback and look for advice. My boss has already started helping me look for internships next semester and given me the “insider sites” that offer job opportunities for recent graduates in our field.

I never expected content marketing to be so intriguing to me, but after writing content for the past few months, I have found that this is something I genuinely enjoy doing. I think I would prefer to write copy for multiple clients instead of just for the agency, since I like variety, but I have learned how to adopt a different tone in my writing when necessary. I know this experience will be valuable in any future employment endeavors, so I’m pleased that I chose to intern at Quinlan this past semester.

As wonderful as my work opportunities were, what was the most rewarding aspect of my internship was my colleagues. Positive and enthusiastic, supportive and informative, funny and downright entertaining, everyone at the office could double as a sitcom character, since their personalities were so bold and unique. I felt so comfortable in that environment and have walked away knowing that Quinlan emulates the type of culture I would like to work in during future careers.

Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed my internship experience. As sad as I am that it’s coming to an end, I am enjoying the prospect of a much needed break from school and work; as I know that in a few short months, I’ll be back at it again.