On February 9th, I attended the Communication & Leadership panel held in Grupp Fireside Lounge. There were three panelists that talked to us about their various career paths, experiences in the Leadership program, and words of advice to graduating seniors, as well as those looking to complete their Master’s at Canisius. The panelists all came from different backgrounds, but had chosen similar careers. They were Cecily Rodriguez, Nick Heidinger, and Michael Lee. The panelists were great. They had so much to say to us, and even answered all of our questions at the end. This particular networking event proved to be informative and interesting. I already knew I wasn’t going to be attending grad school, but it still opened my eyes to what life will be like after college, and what sort of things can set you apart from other applicants in the competitive job market. Each panelist credited their education from Canisius as the reason they are where they are today. It was motivating and inspiring to hear that from them. The one thing that stuck out most to me was a comment made by the panelists. They said that most times, the majority of people change their career track 2-3 times in their lifetime. Although I do not know what the future may hold for me, it was reassuring to hear that you can use your talents and skills in a variety of jobs. Many of which we may not have even thought of yet.