On Wednesday I had the opportunity to interview a woman from Independent Health. Her title is “Senior Talent Manager Specialist”. As a talent manager her main responsibility is to look for new “talent” or employees that would be a good fit on the Independent Health team. She does this through looking through applications, attending job fairs, interviewing, and looking within the company for candidates that would best suit job openings.  This was a great opportunity because she is likely the type of person that I would interview with for any job, so it was nice to get her perspective on things that HR representatives look for in candidates along with what she does on a daily basis.

First, I asked her about a “typical” day in the office. I was expecting an answer that went through a series of events that would make up and 8 hour work-day, but to my surprise she told me that “Everyday is different!” This was a great thing to hear, because as I search for jobs one thing that I am looking for is something that is not mundane and is ever changing. Another aspect of her job involves relationship building. Many managers and supervisors come to her asking her to hire for certain positions throughout the company. Therefore, it is important for her to get to know the management and the other employees so she can help find someone who will fit in well! I think this is a really unique part of her job, because it shows how dedicated she is to her job and how important it is to Independent Health to find people who will fit in and like her job.

We also talked about things that she looks for in applicants. One thing that she said they do not like is “job hoppers”. They like to hire people who are willing to make their job a career and stay. To me, I take this as advice to not overload my resume with all the short term jobs that I may have had as a teenager and just keep things on there that are quality, long term jobs.

Lastly, we talked about higher education. The woman I interviewed had her Master’s Degree in Organizational Development. I asked her if she found it value-added to her career. She said that having a Master’s degree was not a prerequisite to her position, and it is rarely talked about between her and her managers, however the best part of her graduate school education was the various opportunities to work in groups. She said that in grad school she learned how to work in groups and this quality is essential to her success in the office. She encouraged me to go to grad school so I can be a better candidate to move up in the work force!