The drive from Canisius to 355 Harlem Rd is familiar to me now. I know the turns and the exits, but I turn my GPS on anyway, just in case. Looking back on my time as Communications Services Intern for Erie 1 BOCES, I am thankful for my experience. I have learned a lot about the PR field, and a lot about myself along the way.

I think the biggest positive about this job was the experience that I gained while writing several press releases. I’m happy to say that many of them got picked up by the media. Another positive was my supervisor’s insight on public relations. She would tell me different things that she did at BOCES and also things that she had done at another PR job that I might have to do if I went into the field.

I also learned about what it was like to work in an office. I found out that I would prefer a more interactive environment as opposed to sitting in a cubicle all day. This will be something that I will look for in a future job.

Overall, I am very happy with my experience with Erie 1 BOCES, and am ready to continue building my skills as I advance in my career.