I have never been a stranger to the workforce. All one needs to do is look at my resume and see how varied my experience is, but truth be told this unpaid internship had my stomach full of butterflies. The fact that I was entering a professional setting in a job field I revere added the extra dose of gravity to the situation.
Working for the marketing department of Canisius College is one of the most interesting jobs I’ve yet to undertake. My first day consisted of getting associated with the tools the department uses for social media and understanding how it is used to drive traffic to the main Canisius College website. Using websites like moz, tweet deck, Facebook, and mention gives me great insider info on how this type of career works. Learning these tools has become a tremendous help considering that I walked into this internship without any experience in the field outside of my own social media ramblings.
So after learning the tools for the job, I got to work. I would scour the fore mentioned websites for any info that would be worth repeating to help drive traffic. I am happy to say that after crafting a few excellent tweets for the official College Twitter there was immediate satisfaction. Together they garnered 11 retweets and 34 favs. It’s safe to say I look forward to my next day in the office.
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