When I learned that I was getting an internship at Buffalo Spree, I certainly felt excited. For one thing, the office space Buffalo Spree was based in was welcoming and colorful. The first one I had, at Buffalo Rising, wasn’t in an office. But at times, I would meet Newell Nussbaumer occasionally for lunch, as I would work from my other job as well as meet the people for stories.

At the time of writing this, I have already worked at Buffalo Spree for two weeks. So far, all I’ve done is compile events for their November issue calendar. Obviously, they have the whole October issue planned out and are working on what should go into the November issue. The editor in charge, Elizabeth Licata, said that I would get the chance to write later on for the December and January issues. I’m very much looking forward for the chance to write for them since the pieces in there are mostly interconnected for the issue and they are more lengthy and in depth than what I am normally used to. Mostly taking up a full two page spread alongside whatever graphics are used. That challenge of filling up that space is one I hope I can live up to.